Wordless Wednesday...
Meet medicine man.

Medical Books..these get a lot of mileage!

Guitar bags..not used so much anymore, but they'll get the dust brushed off them this year, I'm sure.

Bike now "winterized" on a trainer. Getting MUCH use.

Greatest father in law in the world just happens to be a genius with a piece of wood.

Medicine man is obsessed with all things, ELVIS!

Can't do indoor cycling without 20 indoor cycling videos?

Medicine man's most favorite pasttime.

Okay, so it wan't completely wordless, but it was full if pictures! Hope you enjoyed getting a sneak peak into the many many layers of my best friend.
Medical Books..these get a lot of mileage!
Guitar bags..not used so much anymore, but they'll get the dust brushed off them this year, I'm sure.
Bike now "winterized" on a trainer. Getting MUCH use.
Greatest father in law in the world just happens to be a genius with a piece of wood.
Medicine man is obsessed with all things, ELVIS!
Can't do indoor cycling without 20 indoor cycling videos?
Medicine man's most favorite pasttime.
Okay, so it wan't completely wordless, but it was full if pictures! Hope you enjoyed getting a sneak peak into the many many layers of my best friend.