Friday, August 31, 2012

Presley is 5 months! Okay, she's almost 7 months, but I'm catching up!

June was a big month for my sweet girl. We made a trip to Florida to see Zack's brother and his family. Andrew was in Oklahoma visiting family, so unfortunately, he couldn't go, and we couldn't reschedule. Presley had a chance to put her feet in the sand and she rolled over for the first time. It was a great trip! Pics to follow!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Meal time

Presley does this ridiculously cute thing when I go to feed her baby food. She sticks just the tip of her tongue out to sample it, then she looks at me w her big gerber baby eyes for a second or two while she decides if she likes it. Then, she either opens real wide, or turns her head completely to the side in protest. She's no fool. She has this down...although, I always slip in a bite of something she doesn't like in between fruit bites, and she makes a face like i gave her a lemon. Then we do the taste test thing all over again, to make sure she knows what she is getting! Oh, she's so cute!