Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wedding details

So, I need to know if this would make a good wedding dress? I think the dress is gorgeous, but will I regret not wearing white? If I wear this dress (I'd have to have it made), then I would carry all white flowers. Zachary is wearing a navy suit with a white button up and no tie. Thoughts?? Help people!!


Meet mine. He's super cute, I'll give him that, but he is covered in fur and takes up all the room in the bed at night. You would think I wouldn't have anything to worry about, but my honey spends all night on the couch "loving" on the catdog. Poor me!

Monday, March 8, 2010

35 bids...

And we were out bid by 6 other people!!! LOTS of people really wanted this house!!Big -0- bummer! Oh well, onward and upward! Hopefully, the next one is even better.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Say a quick prayer!!!

Tomorrow morning we find out if we will get this diamond in the rough house in Burlington, KY. Hopefully, our bid is the highest!! Fingers crossed!

Getting to know me Sunday...

1. Are you more of a talker or a listener?

This one is not too black and white! Sometimes I have very strong opinions and feel the need to voice them, and other times, I am extremely shy and turn into the listener!

2. Bra. Under wire or wireless?

Definitely under wire! haha. My girls wouldn't last 5 minutes in a wireless bra!

3. I wish I was.....?
Done with school! I wish I was in my new home. I wish I was bringing home some bacon, if you get my drift! I wish I was more of a go with the flow kind of gal..and spent less brain cells worrying about things that are out of my control!

4. The Academy Awards are on tonight... will you watch?
Depends..what else is on?

5. Do you put your deodorant on before or after you get dressed?
Both! Immediately after my shower, and again after I get dressed just in case my shirt rubbed it off!

6. Would you rather do the dishes or clean toilets?
Actually, clean toilets! I HATE dishes! Don't tell Andrew I said, "hate." It's a no-no at our house! I only wanna wash my own toilets, though. Mmmkay?

7. How much did you weigh at birth?
7 lbs 12 oz

8. If you could only buy one thing for the Spring/Summer season...what would it be?
That's a toughie...probably would have to be...humm? Just one thing?? Still thinking...I guess the perfect date night dress for going out with my honey. Maybe a turquoise strapless sundress!