Weekend wrap-up

All the Peanuts characters were on site to entertain the kiddos!

This was one of the more lame rides, but Andrew loved it because he got to drive a "monster truck!"

Random shot of Andrew in the Kroger by our house. Never been to a Kroger before, but it was awesome! This car camer equipped with a movie player in the dash! Genious.

This past weekend was a whirl wind! Zack closed on our first house on Wednesday, and Wednesday night I got a knock at my door...it was Zack! He drove home from Cincinnati (4 hours) to surprise us! We hit the town running at 8am the next morning to arrive at our house by the time our new fridge was to be delivered. Next, we spent the next 2 days changing locks, hanging faux wood blinds, making numerous trips to Lowe's and Home Depot, one trip next door to be "that neighbor," you know the one who always borrows things, and just basically got things taken care of! New garage door openers from Sears..you name it..we did it! Saturday, we decided it was Andrew's turn to be the center of our attention, so we headed to KING'S ISLAND! Whoa, is that place huge? They have a huge water park on site, and this year opened, Planet Snoopy! It is a huge kid's land with all sorts of fun rides for kids and their parents! I was shocked at how many rides there were for the little ones. Andrew got to go on a ride where you lay on your belly, a real roller coaster, that even made my stomach jump into my throat, and a log ride, just to name a few! We had so much fun. It took him a while to really get brave enough to be excited, rather than timid, but when he did, we could barely keep up! It was a perfect day filled with his laughter, and our admiration! Medicine man was very much the proud papa, taking pictures of Andrew on every ride, and cheering him on all the way! It was heart warming to say the least! We got season passes, so there will be much more where that comes from! Hopefully, many weekends will be spent at the water park! Yea!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! XOXO