Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Presley-lisious is 2 months!

Presley, you are 2 months old! Actually, you are a little older, but I'm a procrastinator, and just now getting around to writing this! A couple of nights ago, you slept for 8 hours! The next night, you slept for 7.5, and the following (last night), you slept for 6...I'm hoping you don't keep getting fewer and fewer stretches! I'm kinda liking this sleep thing! You are such a happy little girl! Smiles are coming all the time now, and it's quite a sight to see your brother, daddy, and I stand around making loud pitched noises and faces in an attempt to see you smile! You spent last night laying in the bassinet practicing your speaking skills with the ceiling fan! It seems the fan gets the most reaction from you, despite our crazy attempts! You have this thing with pooping. Or rather, not pooping. You only go every 7-9 days! It was pretty scary for the first few weeks, wondering if something is wrong with you, but we've all come to the conclusion that this is your norm. Your pediatrician says you are just using every single bit of nutrition, with little to no excess. I consider myself blessed for not having had any poop issues with you outside of the house, or in the middle of the night, but I just hope this isn't a precusor for problems down the road. You are showing how much you love to be held. I've finally figured out exactly how you prefer to be held, and we spend many hours walking around to keep you happy! There's no question you are the boss, already! Of course, the first time I ducked on my hands and knees by the pack and play, so you wouldn't see me, was the first time I realized just how wrapped you had me! Life is so sweet now... I see a new aspect of Andrew's personality. He is so sweet with you, and asks to hold you every single day. He is a very good big brother, and he takes that job very seriously! I know he is very proud of you! Here's to many many more months to come! I can't wait!


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