Catching up!
I have been a very bad blogger lately. I owe my mil an apology because she loves to check in and see what we have been up to, and I haven't been delivering! These past few weeks have been go go go! School up to my eye balls and on the weekends, long trips to our new house in Kentucky! We have been getting good use of our season passes to Kings Island. This past weekend, Andrew and I went down to the water park Friday and Saturday, (Zaddy had to work.) We had a blast! Good times! These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago when I got to go on a date with Kaci, and got pedicures and mexican!! Love that girl...anyway, Zack took Andrew to a double header Akron Aeros baseball game. I joined them at the end and soaked up the fresh cut grass smell, the laughter of my boy as he played with the other kids, and the snug arm around my cold shoulders...summer had officially begun!

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